Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Giblink Community

There is a steady growth of the Giblink business,social networking community since the official kick off in September 2007.

Giblink been a success?

2 years,$8,000 000,and 67454 members Later,I sure can say it is only the humbled begining of this business oriented community.

The interaction between members is natural,but also helped by a little push of the owners in the form of incentives. ...And there is also a large number of visitors going through daily the networks self replicating websites,we're talking about tens of thousands.

A very atractive feature is present with Giblink Community,it's the Free membership,that also brings in new members taking the "test drive" before upgrading to the pro membership status.

John Tar
EZ Wealth Solution
EZ Wealth Solution

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