Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Preparing and Forming by Stamped Concrete

Preparing and  Forming  by Stamped Concrete

It's mid October in Vancouver BC.

Starting to get those overcast, and rainy days, which are perfect
for preparation and forming for concrete pours

Once the weather clears we can do the placing of these decorative,
smooth, or stamped concrete patios, sidewalks, driveways and stairs.

We are quiet accustomed at this time of the year to make the best of
these grey cloudy days for the preparation and forming for
concrete pours.Keeping  us local concrete services providers busy
throughout the mild coastal winter in BC Canada.

Now that all is prepaired it's up to the Metro Vancouver residents
to decide whether it is Stamped Concrete, Exposed Aggregate,
broomed, or the ever popular smooth outdoor  finished concrete
gonna feel those forms.

Stamped Concrete Report
by John Tar

If you have a project similar to this one, let us know please
visit our webpage for more information at:
Stamped Concrete

call us for an estimate at (604) 377 3657 

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