Showing posts with label White jerseys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White jerseys. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vancouver Canucks, Stanley Cup Final Game Against Boston Bruins: Message to Vancouver Canucks, Do The Math!

...So after a roller-coaster ride of a play off we arrived to the final game.
Game seven of the 2011 Stanley cup finals between East, and West, Boston Bruins,
and the Vancouver Canucks.

With the first two game won by the Canucks wearing blue in Vancouver, than changing to white jerseys, and lost the next two in Boston, game 3, and 4.

...So we came back to Vancouver put back on the Blue jerseys and won game 5, then we changed again in Boston wearing white loosing the game.

You bet we're gonna be wearing Blue jerseys for game 7 in Vancouver they look much better than the white ones.

PS: This came to me at work recently, having been working with concrete
for the last 2 decade and a half, not holding back at all,
doing my best under any conditions getting the job done.
in my 50s  (If you not moving you might as well be dead)

to all players of the Vancouver Canucks team:
Move much faster, and play harder than the other team, the rest you know.

John Tar, Stamped Concrete