Showing posts with label message of salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label message of salvation. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do you think God is dumb?

Our Heavenly Father is a Holy and Loving God,
He is long suffering, but Not dumb!!

Just because He is not on our case all the time
doesn't mean he is not around and do not care.
As a Matter of fact we live,exist inside of Him,
and He does know all about us.

We are living out our lifes not caring what He thinks,
or feel about us His children,and most of the time
we are ignoring Him,and yet He is long suffering,
and forgiving towards us.

He the Loving Caring Creator,our Heavenly Father
has given us free will so we are free to choose
to come to Him in time,or decide not to.

He sent to us His only begotten Son
the Lord Jesus Christ,to save our souls form
eternal damnation.

I pray that you soften your heart to true repentance,
asking the Lord God to save your soul in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Click Here for spiritual support,
and more information.

by John Tar

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jesus Christ Our Savior

Jesus Christ Our Savior

"Neither is there salvation in any other:for there is none other name
under heaven given among men,whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12

The One Savior

My Friend,Are You Saved? Saved is a Bible word, not a term thought up by
I have been a Christian for almost twenty years, and I find that most
still do not have an understanding of God's message of salvation.
First a man has to believe there is a one true God.
Second, that God can do something for him, and wrote what He could do in
the Bible.
The only God that Can Save Souls is the God of the Bible.His name is the
Lord Jesus Christ.

The Word of the Lord Says: "Neither is there salvation in any other name
under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12

A person is saved by putting their complete trust in Jesus Christ, not by
something they do to earn heaven.Trusting is believing.Believing must come
from the heart not the head.Do you love and trust your husband or wife with
your head or heart?Plato, Aristotle, or Einstein could only think as far as
their finite minds were able.They could not even solve the problems of this
life, like sickness, disease, pain hunger,and death,let alone know anything
about eternity.God new we needed something to go by,in his Bible He put
everything there is to know.

The One Sinner

Have you ever sinned? Just once? One Lie? One theft? Once is enough, for
God says:"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"Romans
3:23 A saved sinner has their sins forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.An
unsaved sinner still have their sins on them when they die.No one gets into
heaven with their sins!Nothing unclean gets into heaven.Problem! How do you
get rid of your sins?
Are your sins adding up day by day?Are they too much to keep up with
anymore?Are you saying, "What's the use"? Then Jesus Christ says:Come
unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest."Could you say that to someone and mean it?No? Well, Jesus Christ
In your veins and mine is the blood of our father Adam.We than are born as
sinners, because the word of the Lord says: "Werefore, as by one man sin
entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,
for that all have sinned:"Romans 5:12 You know that you are guilty as a
sinner, because you know that you are going to die.Our blood is no good
because the Bible says in Ezekiel 16:6,"And when I passed by thee,and saw
thee polluted in thine own blood," therefore we die.

The One Solution

Jesus Christ was not conceived the same way you and I were.The bible says
about Mary, (The Mother of Jesus Christ) "that which was conceived in her
is of the Holy Ghost."Matt 1:20 This means the Lord Jesus Christ has God
as His Father!He had in his veins God's Own Blood,Acts 20:28
The Bible says: "without shedding of blood there is no remission".Our
blood is polluted so it could not be shed to take away our sin.The blood of
the Lord Jesus can take away our sins because He is sinless and his blood
is pure.His blood can remove your sins as far as the East is from the
west.God said he would remember them no more! Isn't that good news!
Wouldn't you want that?

The One Sin

Now here this.people do not go to hell for their sins.they go to hell for
the one sin rejecting Jesus Christ as their sin bearer, their
Substitute,the one who died in their place for their sins.the Bible
says:"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not
is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the only begotten son
of God."
Jesus new how many sins you would commit, but he loves you and he died for
you!getting saved is a supernatural thing between you and God. Man has
nothing to do with it.Would you right now just pray to God and trust Jesus
Christ as your Saviour?

It's Your Decision.
Admitting that I am a sinner, and believing that Jesus died for me,I now
receive him as my own personal Saviour,trusting him to save me from
hell.With his help I intend to confess Him before men."But as many as
received him,to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them
that believe on his name:" John 1:12

Please contact us to let us know that after reading it, you have decided to
trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

John Tar 604 684 1829
Skype: timsaucey

Jesus Christ Our Savior
written by: Ina Ashley