Showing posts with label vancouver stamped concrete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vancouver stamped concrete. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Reasons Why We Love Stamped Concrete

Have a look and let me know your thoughts I'm curious of your opinion.
Can concrete really be loved? In other words, what is it about Decorative, Stamped Concrete that make it rise above the rest.

Main entrance smoke color stamped concrete sidewalk with saw cuts

From the beginning it is not an easy process getting it all in order, but with many years of experience, talents and a bit of hard work it'll all be done to your satisfaction. 

Stamped concrete sidewalk with three risers

One might say it is the related challenge that makes us love placing and finishing stamped concrete, others like the color, or texture, the over all nice finished

Back patio with sidewalk

Regardless of what in particular you love about the unique look of stamped concrete works, when its properly done it will for many years will enhance your quality of life.

for more information visit our webpage: Stamped Concrete

or Call Oliver, for a free estimate on your upcoming project
in the Greater Vancouver area B.C. (604) 377 3657

Friday, March 22, 2019

Stamped Concrete With Exposed Aggregate Borders

You probably have heard the expression re and re, this is one of those jobs.

We have taken out the cracked exposed aggregate driveway, formed up, leveled the ground, installed the rebar for extra strength, than poured the borders and exposed them. on the picture below the borders are covered by poly for protection before the next pour.

A week later poured the area for stamping

After letting it cure for a few days, came to cut it than sealed
 it. As you can see it below its all done 3 -4 weeks from now
it can be driven on.

for more information visit our webpage  Stamped Concrete
for an estimate on similar projects call; 
Oliver at OA Concrete LTD  604 377 3657

Sunday, April 1, 2018

10 Quick Tips About stamped concrete

Even before start placing and stamping, calculating the cost of
stamped concrete or a concrete driveway, sidewalk, patio, there
are a number of factors to consider as a local concrete contractor.

Stamped Concrete

1, Using the right mix:
consider air temperature and weather conditions ,concrete color, strength,
rock size, (take it easy with accelerators)

2, Choose the right shade of release powder, or mix in the right amount of
color in the liquid release.

3, Consider Reinforcement:
steel, wire mesh, fiber, micro fiber

4, Cuts:
 cut your stamped concrete at preparation for stamping, or within 2-3 days

They can 'make or break' the look of your concrete works

6, Give enough time for stamping:
Perfect timing of the works makes your concrete look great and you can
finish up with ease

7, Sealing:
Pick a dry but not hot day for sealing. Leave no water after washing,
use a blow drier to dry it,and if you're using a blow torch don't come
close with the sealer to it. For long lasting and great look use a high
quality sealer, for more traction mix in shark grip.

8, Try not to guarantee cracks!
Ive seen industrial strength high rise building concrete cracks,
I'm talking about strong thick concrete. Even if being compelled by
the contractor, or house owner at taking on the job, don't fall for
guarantying your slab,but tell them about your way of minimizing
the damage by putting in sufficient number cuts to control the cracking!

9, Preparation:
An over all well prepared area for concrete pour can make a big difference
in the long run, so don't leave soft spots. Use proper road base etc. tamper well.
form it straight and solid.

10, Have fun doing it
 but pay attention to all details!

by John Tar

For more information and an estimate visit :

Stamped Concrete
(604) 377 3657 John

Labels: Stamped Concrete Report