Monday, April 18, 2011

Unclaimed Money, Business Opportunity that People Love!

So why do I like this business, Gee

...let me think:
Maybe because I'm getting payed 100%?

Or perhaps the reason that I'm getting payed
within 24 hrs of a sale og any of my
downloadable digital product packages?

Could it be the one of a kind compensation plan,
or the fact that I do not haveto store anything
at home stuffing my closet, living room,bedroom
or storage areas?

How many companys you know paying out 100%
of what you are producing? Better yet,do they pay
daily? A business where nobody touches your
money, And do not have to do any explaining,or
closing to do on your part because the company
ceo's video doing most of it on the website

Business Oppoprtunity, (I call Unclaimed Money)
that has been around for 4 years, and has made
over $1.6 million to it's resellers.A business
that "People Love" for it's generosity,simplicity
straight forwardness,and income producing power
on any level.

And as a bonus all new members are brought in on
the first $47 sales level absolutely FREE!
all the cost is at that piont is the $10 monthly
fee for company services and the variety of 5-10
websites. A global business,that anyone from
anywhere can join.

for all detailed information, the How it works,
and the Compensation Plan videos can be viewed


John Tar
Unclaimed Money

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