I'd be lying if I said that I can't use a little extra cash, or would not be
happy to have a money making home based business.
Now days anyone can start making money with a working computer,
or can they?
I have been around long enough to know that online money making is
not a cake walk. Not only most of the programs or their products suck,
but their compensation plan also. No wonder decent people stay away
from all the hyped up bull, or just simply are too confused to bother
joigning them not hearing an honest word.
In my five years working online ( and you can find evidence for it simply
Google... keywords like: John Tar, EZ Wealth Solution,Vancouver Concrete,
Unclaimed Money,Trump Institute, John Tar SEO, and more
to find results on the first couple of pages amongst millions of results)
I so far found only one business worth owning, and that would be:
Unclaimed Money, the business opportunity. I use title Unclaimed Money
for my business, which is based on EZ Wealth Solution for the simple reason
that there is a large number of daily searches for this particular keyword,
and I own the domain http//www.unclaimedmoney.ws which is by the way
a premiun domain.
The reason for telling you all this is to let you know, with some consistency
you can too get more hits to your business, that means more income to you
in the long run.
Most MLMs, (which are in my opinion are worthless) don't make money,and
the simple reason for it, they were not designed to,just ignore them.
On the other hand Unclaimed Money has got a unique proprietory pay plan
that works for you on every level,making 100%, and getting payed daily.It's
mostly automated,and it cost only $10/month.Company CEO's video is
closing your sales even while you're sleeping.As long as you're advertising
your business websites, you'll be receiving $47,$97,$247,$497,$997 payments,
up to a totall of $1838/sale!
People Love This Business!
For all information, registration, and to start receiving $47-$997 payments
Click Here
Showing posts with label Business Opportunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Opportunity. Show all posts
Friday, October 21, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Unclaimed Money: Unbelievable, Great News for Money, and Business Opportunity Seekers.
Unclaimed Money, my business opportunity CEO just bought adding a 500 seat VOIP conference room with an 18 years online trainer, and marketing veteran to educate you, your prospects (we call tourtakers), and to close them for us active resellers, owners of any sales package.
Owning a business like Unclaimed Money is one of my best investments I ever made, and anyone can make towards financial independence working online.
"People Love This Business!!"
Unclaimed Money is a stable almost 4 years old business.With a unique compensation plan that works on every level producing steadily, depends on ones marketing efforts just like in the real world. Already has made our resellers over $1.7 million, and all was payed out between member to member.
With the already in place rich variety of marketing tools, this addition will make the business even easier than ever before. This sort of automated marketing not unheard of, but the way it's been put together by company the CEO it makes it a real powerhouse of a money maker, and easy to operate wealth producing business, and opportunity.
We are already earning all 100% of our marketing efforts, getting payed daily (within 24 hrs) a sale of any of the digital downloadable sales packages attracting business opportunity seekers globally giving away $47 level #1 positions to anyone interested in making much money online.
Once again with the 5 times weekly training system on top of all the existing incredible marketing tools, Unclaimed money is becoming one of the most stable income producer online, weather starting it small, or looking to make lots of money.
for more information and to take the tour Click Here
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Business Opportunity,
make money.,
Making Money,
Unclaimed Money
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Work for Unclaimed Money
When you think of unclaimed money, you're thinking of
founds rightfully yours to collect, no strings attached
what so ever right?
Right. ...But in this case some work needed to be done.
First of all this is a business, and an opportunity to
those wanting to make money online. A well established
4 years old business that people love. a global business
opportunity to join and own, to claim unlimited amount
of founds with.
Unclaimed was made with the opportunity seeker in mind
so he can be an instant online sucess. Automated to the
point so the individual owner only have to advertise,
and do the administrative work after a sale was made,
which is namely telling the customer after his inquiry
how he is to send you the money for the sales package
your system sold to him.
Does it sound easy?
It might not at first, but believe me it's not only EZ,
but also fun. you can't wait checking your email in the
morning to see how many sales you've made overnight.
Unclaimed money truly is a great business , and an
opportunity to the global marketer,
A business paying 100%,has earned well over $1.6 million
member to member, within 24 hrs of a sale made
for all information on how it works and the compensation
plan Click Here
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
founds rightfully yours to collect, no strings attached
what so ever right?
Right. ...But in this case some work needed to be done.
First of all this is a business, and an opportunity to
those wanting to make money online. A well established
4 years old business that people love. a global business
opportunity to join and own, to claim unlimited amount
of founds with.
Unclaimed was made with the opportunity seeker in mind
so he can be an instant online sucess. Automated to the
point so the individual owner only have to advertise,
and do the administrative work after a sale was made,
which is namely telling the customer after his inquiry
how he is to send you the money for the sales package
your system sold to him.
Does it sound easy?
It might not at first, but believe me it's not only EZ,
but also fun. you can't wait checking your email in the
morning to see how many sales you've made overnight.
Unclaimed money truly is a great business , and an
opportunity to the global marketer,
A business paying 100%,has earned well over $1.6 million
member to member, within 24 hrs of a sale made
for all information on how it works and the compensation
plan Click Here
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Monday, April 18, 2011
Unclaimed Money, Business Opportunity that People Love!
So why do I like this business, Gee
...let me think:
Maybe because I'm getting payed 100%?
Or perhaps the reason that I'm getting payed
within 24 hrs of a sale og any of my
downloadable digital product packages?
Could it be the one of a kind compensation plan,
or the fact that I do not haveto store anything
at home stuffing my closet, living room,bedroom
or storage areas?
How many companys you know paying out 100%
of what you are producing? Better yet,do they pay
daily? A business where nobody touches your
money, And do not have to do any explaining,or
closing to do on your part because the company
ceo's video doing most of it on the website
Business Oppoprtunity, (I call Unclaimed Money)
that has been around for 4 years, and has made
over $1.6 million to it's resellers.A business
that "People Love" for it's generosity,simplicity
straight forwardness,and income producing power
on any level.
And as a bonus all new members are brought in on
the first $47 sales level absolutely FREE!
all the cost is at that piont is the $10 monthly
fee for company services and the variety of 5-10
websites. A global business,that anyone from
anywhere can join.
for all detailed information, the How it works,
and the Compensation Plan videos can be viewed
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
...let me think:
Maybe because I'm getting payed 100%?
Or perhaps the reason that I'm getting payed
within 24 hrs of a sale og any of my
downloadable digital product packages?
Could it be the one of a kind compensation plan,
or the fact that I do not haveto store anything
at home stuffing my closet, living room,bedroom
or storage areas?
How many companys you know paying out 100%
of what you are producing? Better yet,do they pay
daily? A business where nobody touches your
money, And do not have to do any explaining,or
closing to do on your part because the company
ceo's video doing most of it on the website
Business Oppoprtunity, (I call Unclaimed Money)
that has been around for 4 years, and has made
over $1.6 million to it's resellers.A business
that "People Love" for it's generosity,simplicity
straight forwardness,and income producing power
on any level.
And as a bonus all new members are brought in on
the first $47 sales level absolutely FREE!
all the cost is at that piont is the $10 monthly
fee for company services and the variety of 5-10
websites. A global business,that anyone from
anywhere can join.
for all detailed information, the How it works,
and the Compensation Plan videos can be viewed
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sharing Unclaimed Money
I've been working online earning with
my business I call unclaimed money
Theoretically I can make unlimited
amount of it since I own 5 different
sales packages, and can resell them as
many times I like.
All I gotta do is put the word out let
the word out that I have incredible
value of downloadable digital packages
for sale.
I'm sure if you've worked online you
know that it's not a walk in the park,
but it is doable with the right business.
With daily advertising just as I do, you'll
be able to get visitors to your web page
to take the tour. Company CEO will do
the explaining and the closing of your
sales on the website video, all you have
to do is follow the instructions sent to
you by the system to let your buyer know
how you want to get payed.
Sounds simple enough?
With us you're getting 100% Daily payouts!
The amount of how much you're earning
depends on one person, you. So take the tour,
get out there and start making a decent income.
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
my business I call unclaimed money
Theoretically I can make unlimited
amount of it since I own 5 different
sales packages, and can resell them as
many times I like.
All I gotta do is put the word out let
the word out that I have incredible
value of downloadable digital packages
for sale.
I'm sure if you've worked online you
know that it's not a walk in the park,
but it is doable with the right business.
With daily advertising just as I do, you'll
be able to get visitors to your web page
to take the tour. Company CEO will do
the explaining and the closing of your
sales on the website video, all you have
to do is follow the instructions sent to
you by the system to let your buyer know
how you want to get payed.
Sounds simple enough?
With us you're getting 100% Daily payouts!
The amount of how much you're earning
depends on one person, you. So take the tour,
get out there and start making a decent income.
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Unclaimed Money: Working The EZ Wealth Solution System.
For the last two years I've been with EZ Wealth Solution,
the online company that has been around for over 3 years,
and because of it, I have claimed thousands of dollars
previously unclaimed money.
A program that truly was developed to make money to the
individual owners, (affiliates) of this business.
I mean where else can you find an online business
opportunity that pays you 100% each and every sales.
...and not only, you are getting payed daily, which means
within a 24 hrs period after making a sale of any of the
5 sales packages, earning $47 - $997 each sale, to a
total of $1885.
Only have to qualify once on level 1, twice on 2-5, and
your qualification is permanent, which means as long as
you're an active member of EZ wealth solution , you
don't have to qualify ever again, and are eligible for
earning an unlimited amount of unclaimed money .
I could but highly recommend this most excellent program
to anyone wants to make money online, as long as they are
willing to advertise their newly found business.
one of the owners Sharon W. has made 36 thousand dollars
in her first 3 month only using Free advertising sources,
do you think you can do just as well, or even better?
Well the opportunity is here, for more information, and
to start earning Click Here
I'm sending all tourtakers my downloadable digital gift.
If you decide to come in today, I'll pay you in on the
first level!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
the online company that has been around for over 3 years,
and because of it, I have claimed thousands of dollars
previously unclaimed money.
A program that truly was developed to make money to the
individual owners, (affiliates) of this business.
I mean where else can you find an online business
opportunity that pays you 100% each and every sales.
...and not only, you are getting payed daily, which means
within a 24 hrs period after making a sale of any of the
5 sales packages, earning $47 - $997 each sale, to a
total of $1885.
Only have to qualify once on level 1, twice on 2-5, and
your qualification is permanent, which means as long as
you're an active member of EZ wealth solution , you
don't have to qualify ever again, and are eligible for
earning an unlimited amount of unclaimed money .
I could but highly recommend this most excellent program
to anyone wants to make money online, as long as they are
willing to advertise their newly found business.
one of the owners Sharon W. has made 36 thousand dollars
in her first 3 month only using Free advertising sources,
do you think you can do just as well, or even better?
Well the opportunity is here, for more information, and
to start earning Click Here
I'm sending all tourtakers my downloadable digital gift.
If you decide to come in today, I'll pay you in on the
first level!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Unclaimed Money: Working The EZ Wealth Solution System.
For the last two years I've been with EZ Wealth Solution,
the online company that has been around for over 3 years,
and because of it, I have claimed thousands of dollars
previously unclaimed money.
A program that truly was developed to make money to the
individual owners, (affiliates) of this business.
I mean where else can you find an online business
opportunity that pays you 100% each and every sales.
...and not only, you are getting payed daily, which means
within a 24 hrs period after making a sale of any of the
5 sales packages, earning $47 - $997 each sale, to a
total of $1885.
Only have to qualify once on level 1, twice on 2-5, and
your qualification is permanent, which means as long as
you're an active member of EZ wealth solution , you
don't have to qualify ever again, and are eligible for
earning an unlimited amount of unclaimed money .
I could but highly recommend this most excellent program
to anyone wants to make money online, as long as they are
willing to advertise their newly found business.
one of the owners Sharon W. has made 36 thousand dollars
in her first 3 month only using Free advertising sources,
do you think you can do just as well, or even better?
Well the opportunity is here, for more information, and
to start earning Click Here
I'm sending all tourtakers my downloadable digital gift.
If you decide to come in today, I'll pay you in on the
first level!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
the online company that has been around for over 3 years,
and because of it, I have claimed thousands of dollars
previously unclaimed money.
A program that truly was developed to make money to the
individual owners, (affiliates) of this business.
I mean where else can you find an online business
opportunity that pays you 100% each and every sales.
...and not only, you are getting payed daily, which means
within a 24 hrs period after making a sale of any of the
5 sales packages, earning $47 - $997 each sale, to a
total of $1885.
Only have to qualify once on level 1, twice on 2-5, and
your qualification is permanent, which means as long as
you're an active member of EZ wealth solution , you
don't have to qualify ever again, and are eligible for
earning an unlimited amount of unclaimed money .
I could but highly recommend this most excellent program
to anyone wants to make money online, as long as they are
willing to advertise their newly found business.
one of the owners Sharon W. has made 36 thousand dollars
in her first 3 month only using Free advertising sources,
do you think you can do just as well, or even better?
Well the opportunity is here, for more information, and
to start earning Click Here
I'm sending all tourtakers my downloadable digital gift.
If you decide to come in today, I'll pay you in on the
first level!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Friday, January 7, 2011
Unclaimed Money: "the root of all evil"
Unclaimed Money: "the root of all evil"
All of us are using it, we seem not to be able
to get enough of it, some people even kill for it,
and the love of it is called "the root of all evil".
1Tim 6:10
Yes it is money.
There is no doubt that we go out of our way to
get more of it when, or if it's possible.
Just like tools that primitive men were using,
money is also one, a tool of survival in today's
"complex" world.
In my world, we simply work for it, and earn our
living honestly.My online Business Opportunity has
a good reputation,and is more than 3 years old.
A business where Unclaimed Money finds it's
rightful owner.Where we earn 100% of our effort,
and getting payed daily, the way we prefer
whether it be PayPal, AlertPay Money order,
wire transfer, you name it.
People truly love this business!
You feel good about earning with this business,
the compensation plan was made to make us money,
not the company.
Us resellers have made close to $1.5 million.
Unclaimed money is not just any type of
opportunity, but a business that is made to last,
it is here to stay.
for all dept info Click Here
All tourtakers receive my FREE downloadable gift:
The Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/11/4/3008611//Untold Secrets OfInternetMarketing.zip
When you come in today I'll pay your way in
on the first level,and you'll receive the
level #1 Advertising bonus package
Let me encourage you to upgrade to the 2nd
3rd 4th, and 5th levels, for better results.
...But at least order level #1 and #2 and
you'll be getting the FREE advertising bonus
Click Here to start watching the
John Tar
EZ Wealth Solution
Unclaimed Money, Money, Unclaimed,Business Opportunity,
All of us are using it, we seem not to be able
to get enough of it, some people even kill for it,
and the love of it is called "the root of all evil".
1Tim 6:10
Yes it is money.
There is no doubt that we go out of our way to
get more of it when, or if it's possible.
Just like tools that primitive men were using,
money is also one, a tool of survival in today's
"complex" world.
In my world, we simply work for it, and earn our
living honestly.My online Business Opportunity has
a good reputation,and is more than 3 years old.
A business where Unclaimed Money finds it's
rightful owner.Where we earn 100% of our effort,
and getting payed daily, the way we prefer
whether it be PayPal, AlertPay Money order,
wire transfer, you name it.
People truly love this business!
You feel good about earning with this business,
the compensation plan was made to make us money,
not the company.
Us resellers have made close to $1.5 million.
Unclaimed money is not just any type of
opportunity, but a business that is made to last,
it is here to stay.
for all dept info Click Here
All tourtakers receive my FREE downloadable gift:
The Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/11/4/3008611//Untold Secrets OfInternetMarketing.zip
When you come in today I'll pay your way in
on the first level,and you'll receive the
level #1 Advertising bonus package
Let me encourage you to upgrade to the 2nd
3rd 4th, and 5th levels, for better results.
...But at least order level #1 and #2 and
you'll be getting the FREE advertising bonus
Click Here to start watching the
John Tar
EZ Wealth Solution
Unclaimed Money, Money, Unclaimed,Business Opportunity,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Unclaimed Money, the 3 Year Anniversary of Easy Wealth Business Opportunity Solution.
Unclaimed Money, the 3 Year Anniversary of
Easy Wealth Business Opportunity Solution.
...As we're celebrating the the 3rd anniversary,
of the Internet business Unclaimed Money,
that creates easy wealth, and it is truly a great
solution to earn extra, or full time income
marketing on or offline, I realize the awesome
power of this business.
In my opinion there is two major components to
a successful business opportunity:
#1 is the product
These high value downloadable digital wealth
packages are easy to handle, and the only
physical storage area needed is of course the
space on your computer hard disk.
All new customers, or as we call them, and
ourself resellers are getting the packages
straight from the EZ Wealth Solution company
website. (to avoid confusion, I call my EZ
wealth solution affiliate business unclaimed
#2 is the compensation plan
Without a great compensation plan you haven't
got nothing!
Ron Walsh, the brain behind EZ Wealth has made
sure everyone on every level making money,but
those owning the highest level sales packages
are making the most up to $1885.00 one sale.
and the best part is that we are getting payed
within 24 Hrs of a sale,and can keep All 100%.
Click Here to take the tour, and for all Information
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Easy Wealth Business Opportunity Solution.
...As we're celebrating the the 3rd anniversary,
of the Internet business Unclaimed Money,
that creates easy wealth, and it is truly a great
solution to earn extra, or full time income
marketing on or offline, I realize the awesome
power of this business.
In my opinion there is two major components to
a successful business opportunity:
#1 is the product
These high value downloadable digital wealth
packages are easy to handle, and the only
physical storage area needed is of course the
space on your computer hard disk.
All new customers, or as we call them, and
ourself resellers are getting the packages
straight from the EZ Wealth Solution company
website. (to avoid confusion, I call my EZ
wealth solution affiliate business unclaimed
#2 is the compensation plan
Without a great compensation plan you haven't
got nothing!
Ron Walsh, the brain behind EZ Wealth has made
sure everyone on every level making money,but
those owning the highest level sales packages
are making the most up to $1885.00 one sale.
and the best part is that we are getting payed
within 24 Hrs of a sale,and can keep All 100%.
Click Here to take the tour, and for all Information
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
EZ Wealth Solution Is Still Going Strong After 3 Years!
In a day and age when programs seem to last no more than a few months, it’s refreshing to see a home based business opportunity still in business, and thriving after 3 years!
EZ Wealth Solution is a Direct Sales Company with a database of over 700 Digital and Software Products, and they’ve been going strong since December 1, 2007. EZ Wealth Solution launched at the beginning of the economic recession in December 2007, and they still managed to do over 1.5 Million Dollars in sales to date, but what’s even more impressive is the fact that EZ Wealth Solution pays out a full 100% on all sales. So that 1.5 Million Dollars was paid to their Resellers!
It’s not too often you see a company paying out a full 100% on all sales, and they also pay daily member-to-member so there’s no waiting to get paid! When a sale is made, the purchaser sends the money directly to the Reseller using their favorite online payment processor. This is really great when you think about it because no one wants to wait 30 - 45 days for a company to send out a commission check.
The one thing everyone should know about EZ Wealth Solution is that they have a one-of-kind pay plan designed by the CEO & Founder Mr. Ron Walsh, and while they are many I personally feel this is one of the biggest contributing factors to their success.
When Mr. Walsh was asked why he decided to payout 100% on all sales, he said; "For 12 years I struggled as to find a program that would last longer than 6 – 12 months, and one where the average person could make some good money. So I finally stopped looking in 2007 and decided to put my own program together, and first and foremost I wanted a pay plan where people could actually make some good money, but the pay plan I wanted was not out there, so I designed my own and I did it with our Resellers in mind. I just wanted to see people make money, and you cannot get any better than a 100% payout. It also makes it very hard for other programs to compete with us when you put pay plan against pay plan."
I also asked Mr. Walsh what he sees in the future for EZ Wealth Solution, and he said; "I see unlimited potential and success for our Resellers! In the coming year we will be adding many more Digital & Software Products to our database to give our Resellers even more value for their dollar. As for long term, we just want to run an honest business where average people can make some good money. What makes us unique is our one-of-a-kind pay plan, and the fact that we have people making money for the first time online. That gives me great pride to know I played a small part in it. We now have our sights set on reaching the 2 Million Dollar mark in commissions paid, and from there its 3, 4, 5 Million and beyond. Give the people want they want, and they will join your business, and what they want is money! So we give it to them, 100% of it!"
I must admit, the income potential for EZ Wealth Solution is truly remarkable when you consider anyone can get started for just $10 because your sponsor is going to pay your way into Package Level # 1 (a $47 value). Mr. Walsh has done a fantastic job over the last 3 years, and I look forward to the next 3 years as EZ Wealth Solution continues to help those looking for a long term online business opportunity!
With a 3 year online presence I’m sure many people have seen their website, but to truly understand how unique and wonderful this business opportunity really is, one has to register for the Free Tour and watch the How It Works Movie (10 minutes) in the Member Center.
Check them out Click Here
Happy 3rd Birthday EZ Wealth Solution!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
EZ Wealth Solution is a Direct Sales Company with a database of over 700 Digital and Software Products, and they’ve been going strong since December 1, 2007. EZ Wealth Solution launched at the beginning of the economic recession in December 2007, and they still managed to do over 1.5 Million Dollars in sales to date, but what’s even more impressive is the fact that EZ Wealth Solution pays out a full 100% on all sales. So that 1.5 Million Dollars was paid to their Resellers!
It’s not too often you see a company paying out a full 100% on all sales, and they also pay daily member-to-member so there’s no waiting to get paid! When a sale is made, the purchaser sends the money directly to the Reseller using their favorite online payment processor. This is really great when you think about it because no one wants to wait 30 - 45 days for a company to send out a commission check.
The one thing everyone should know about EZ Wealth Solution is that they have a one-of-kind pay plan designed by the CEO & Founder Mr. Ron Walsh, and while they are many I personally feel this is one of the biggest contributing factors to their success.
When Mr. Walsh was asked why he decided to payout 100% on all sales, he said; "For 12 years I struggled as to find a program that would last longer than 6 – 12 months, and one where the average person could make some good money. So I finally stopped looking in 2007 and decided to put my own program together, and first and foremost I wanted a pay plan where people could actually make some good money, but the pay plan I wanted was not out there, so I designed my own and I did it with our Resellers in mind. I just wanted to see people make money, and you cannot get any better than a 100% payout. It also makes it very hard for other programs to compete with us when you put pay plan against pay plan."
I also asked Mr. Walsh what he sees in the future for EZ Wealth Solution, and he said; "I see unlimited potential and success for our Resellers! In the coming year we will be adding many more Digital & Software Products to our database to give our Resellers even more value for their dollar. As for long term, we just want to run an honest business where average people can make some good money. What makes us unique is our one-of-a-kind pay plan, and the fact that we have people making money for the first time online. That gives me great pride to know I played a small part in it. We now have our sights set on reaching the 2 Million Dollar mark in commissions paid, and from there its 3, 4, 5 Million and beyond. Give the people want they want, and they will join your business, and what they want is money! So we give it to them, 100% of it!"
I must admit, the income potential for EZ Wealth Solution is truly remarkable when you consider anyone can get started for just $10 because your sponsor is going to pay your way into Package Level # 1 (a $47 value). Mr. Walsh has done a fantastic job over the last 3 years, and I look forward to the next 3 years as EZ Wealth Solution continues to help those looking for a long term online business opportunity!
With a 3 year online presence I’m sure many people have seen their website, but to truly understand how unique and wonderful this business opportunity really is, one has to register for the Free Tour and watch the How It Works Movie (10 minutes) in the Member Center.
Check them out Click Here
Happy 3rd Birthday EZ Wealth Solution!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Great news about EZ Wealth Unclaimed Money
Great news about The EZ wealth business opportunity!
Unclaimed Money Have just passed $1.5 million in total sales.
All of the above amount was payed out member to member.
You see, with this business you get payed 100%, and do not
have to wait a month, you get payed within 24 hrs of a sale.
The power of this compensation plan is incredible,
and by taking the tour you can find out all about it.
Click Here
to watch the "How It Works", and "The Compensation Plan"
Videos, as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing digital download FREE!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Unclaimed Money Have just passed $1.5 million in total sales.
All of the above amount was payed out member to member.
You see, with this business you get payed 100%, and do not
have to wait a month, you get payed within 24 hrs of a sale.
The power of this compensation plan is incredible,
and by taking the tour you can find out all about it.
Click Here
to watch the "How It Works", and "The Compensation Plan"
Videos, as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing digital download FREE!
John Tar
Unclaimed Money
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I found the business opportunity I call Unclaimed Money
Did you fail with some junk MLM programs?
Like a bunny rabbit, you're jumping program
to program, to the best new thing, prelaunches
and who knows what dumb deals.
Well man I'm sorry to hear, I know what you're
going trough, be cause I been there myself and
it wasn't pretty.
Until I found the business opportunity I call
Unclaimed Money, you might ask what sort of a
name is that for a business, the answer is
just what it says: money that has not been claimed
by anyone, and it's there for you to grab, EZ Money.
I with my business am earning 100%, and getting
payed daily. you see the good thing about Unclaimed,
is I bring all my people in on the first sales
level, a $47 value absolutely free.Do I attract
attention with giving away level #1 packages,
you bet I do.
After paying the company the $10 maintenance,
and websites fee, you got one of the best most
reliable and profitable proven, and legal business
to run, and after your 1 up, you will be earning
unlimited $47 payment, and will be receiving them
to the choice of your online payment processor.
How does that sound for a change?
I could be going on here for hours about
Unclaimed Money, but Let me let the system
work for me as it suppose to and send you to
see the Compensation, and how it works videos
Click Here and Take the tour,
as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
digital download!
When you come in today
I'll pay your way in on the first level!
Like a bunny rabbit, you're jumping program
to program, to the best new thing, prelaunches
and who knows what dumb deals.
Well man I'm sorry to hear, I know what you're
going trough, be cause I been there myself and
it wasn't pretty.
Until I found the business opportunity I call
Unclaimed Money, you might ask what sort of a
name is that for a business, the answer is
just what it says: money that has not been claimed
by anyone, and it's there for you to grab, EZ Money.
I with my business am earning 100%, and getting
payed daily. you see the good thing about Unclaimed,
is I bring all my people in on the first sales
level, a $47 value absolutely free.Do I attract
attention with giving away level #1 packages,
you bet I do.
After paying the company the $10 maintenance,
and websites fee, you got one of the best most
reliable and profitable proven, and legal business
to run, and after your 1 up, you will be earning
unlimited $47 payment, and will be receiving them
to the choice of your online payment processor.
How does that sound for a change?
I could be going on here for hours about
Unclaimed Money, but Let me let the system
work for me as it suppose to and send you to
see the Compensation, and how it works videos
Click Here and Take the tour,
as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
digital download!
When you come in today
I'll pay your way in on the first level!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Having a Business Like Unclaimed Money
Having a business like the Unclaimed Money opportunity is...
how can I express it, like having the peace of mind. Knowing
that I already am in profit, having bought all my sales
Never again have to pay for any of them, and the
only expense I have is the $10 monthly fee for administration,
and my affiliate websites, about 6-8 of them.
Earning 100% of my effort, and getting payed within 24hrs
is the norm with Unclaimed Money.I have had other businesses
prior to this one, but none comes close to it.
This money making business was designed with the small guy
in mind from the base up.Once taking the tour the prospects
can see the power of this compensation plan right away.
All new resellers get brought in free on the first level,
and this movie alone produces a lots of interest shown in
this business.
Take the Unclaimed Money Tour watching the
"How It Works", and "The Compensation Plan"
Videos, as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
digital download FREE!
Click Here to Start
how can I express it, like having the peace of mind. Knowing
that I already am in profit, having bought all my sales
Never again have to pay for any of them, and the
only expense I have is the $10 monthly fee for administration,
and my affiliate websites, about 6-8 of them.
Earning 100% of my effort, and getting payed within 24hrs
is the norm with Unclaimed Money.I have had other businesses
prior to this one, but none comes close to it.
This money making business was designed with the small guy
in mind from the base up.Once taking the tour the prospects
can see the power of this compensation plan right away.
All new resellers get brought in free on the first level,
and this movie alone produces a lots of interest shown in
this business.
Take the Unclaimed Money Tour watching the
"How It Works", and "The Compensation Plan"
Videos, as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
digital download FREE!
Click Here to Start
Business Opportunity,
Money Making,
Unclaimed Money
Thursday, November 18, 2010
No Debt, College or University
Wouldn't you just love coming out of College, or University
with no debt to start your life's working years.
Instead now you're carrying a large amount of debt
on your shoulders, that will set you back years to come.
Imagine having all your debt payed off while in class,
and be ready to start your working years without a headache.
Well you could, with the business opportunity specially
designed with the elimination of College, and University debt
of students world wide.
With this EZ business program Students are receiving an
unlimited number of $47, and $97 payments to their
designated online payment processor,
or as a matter of fact, or any way they desire to.
Do not have to wait for these payments for a month,
nor a week, either.
There arriving within 24 hrs, yes that means an unlimited
amount of daily cash wealth payments directly to you.
Now... don't take my word for it, watch the "How It Works",
and "The Compensation Plan" Videos,as my compliment
receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
digital download Free!
When you come in today I'll pay you in on your first level.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Undistorted Unclaimed Money Business
For the last short 5 years, since I've been working online
have seen some weird stuff.
All the hype really making me sick to my stomach .
Advertisers are trying to change peoples perception
distorting facts about their business to benefit themselves.
In the process they're so blind, can't even see the obvious
I mean how could you possible build your business
on false pretends accepting a good results. It just
doesn't make any sense.
On the other hand there are decent, reliable, legal, businesses
like: Unclaimed Money the Business Opportunity
I have been working for the last year and a half making
thousands of dollars.
It is not an MLM, the compensation plan is very unique,
it 's made to produce money for me the owner
(after buying my sales packages) and needless to say
I'm getting 100% every sale I make. ...As a bonus,
unlike most of the programs out there my business
opportunity pays within 24 hrs of a sale, that is today
folks, not a week from now, nor a month.
I honestly hope that you see the difference between
Unclaimed Money which is my business,
and some fly by MLM.
For all related information let me encourage you to take
the EZ Wealth Tour watching the "How It Works", and
"The Compensation Plan" Videos,as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing digital download free.
Click Here to began,and get all the facts right before
joining up with me, not after.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Business Opportunity Unclaimed Money
Unclaimed Money
The Incredible Business Opportunity On The Web
You know... In these tough times, and economic uncertainty,
Using the Internet, and today's technology, having your own business
could make a different between just getting by,
and making a very good living.
The Internet with it's phenomenal growth is the place to get leverage.
Finding a business opportunity unlike any other that is actually really
making money can be frustrating process, especially when the web
is loaded with over hyped,and also scam programs.
The Unclaimed Money business opportunity has a Unique
Compensation Plan that works for you on every level.
You get payed 100% daily commissions.From $47-$997
to a total of $1,885
No Waiting,You Get Payed Today, within 24 hrs of a sale!
If you still don't have an online business, and looking for a solid,
legal,and,well established business opportunity, let me invite you to join us.
Take the Tour watching the "How It Works",
and "The Compensation Plan" Videos,as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing Digital Download FREE!
Click Here
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
EZ Wealth Solution Full Throttle
Now that the summer heat,and vacation is over folks are going back to their routine,
and business as usual is going to pick up once again.
Statistically speaking this time of the year is the best for businesses world wide.
...so if you own one make sure to get out there and let folks now about it,boosting the number of your visitors to your business opportunity website.
My favorite type of advertising is SEO search engine marketing,but I do post to business networks, adboards,got my own blogs,twitter,do like RSS feed for it simplicity.as long as you can reach your audience you'll do well online making money
My favorite business is: EZ Wealth Solution
because I make 100% with it and getting payed daily,within 24 hrs of a sale, no wonder people love this business, and they calling it the most powerful get payed today program on the Internet.
Let say you been working online with very limited financial results, I want to encourage you to take the tour watching the video learning about the business I been making money with, and compare with your own.
Are you relatively new to online marketing,let me suggest you to take my advise,do not waste your money, and time on all sort of hyped up programs, you'll be able to earn with EZ Wealth Solution we are forthright about our business, so you can learn all about it before joining.
You'll see learning about it, that it was made to produce for us ordinary hardworking entrepreneurs.
for more information about EZ Wealth Solution Click Here
John Tar
and business as usual is going to pick up once again.
Statistically speaking this time of the year is the best for businesses world wide.
...so if you own one make sure to get out there and let folks now about it,boosting the number of your visitors to your business opportunity website.
My favorite type of advertising is SEO search engine marketing,but I do post to business networks, adboards,got my own blogs,twitter,do like RSS feed for it simplicity.as long as you can reach your audience you'll do well online making money
My favorite business is: EZ Wealth Solution
because I make 100% with it and getting payed daily,within 24 hrs of a sale, no wonder people love this business, and they calling it the most powerful get payed today program on the Internet.
Let say you been working online with very limited financial results, I want to encourage you to take the tour watching the video learning about the business I been making money with, and compare with your own.
Are you relatively new to online marketing,let me suggest you to take my advise,do not waste your money, and time on all sort of hyped up programs, you'll be able to earn with EZ Wealth Solution we are forthright about our business, so you can learn all about it before joining.
You'll see learning about it, that it was made to produce for us ordinary hardworking entrepreneurs.
for more information about EZ Wealth Solution Click Here
John Tar
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fast moving virtual vehicle: EZ Wealth Solution Taxi
Amongst many business opportunities, like a shooting star in the night sky
shines brightly the most advanced get payed today program EZ Wealth Solution.
What to know about this fairly new 2 years old venture,that already has produced
over $1.3million?
It is based in Eastern Canada,designed,operated by Ron Walsh CEO,
Owned by individual resellers.
As we bought our sales packages with resale rights,we are eligible selling
our digital downloadable packages as often ,and as many times we like!
We are in deed getting 100%,for our marketing efforts. and getting payed Daily,
that is within a 24 hrs period of a sale.
I have been around for long enough to know, that there is no other
compensation plan online like the unique EZ Wealth one
it is definitely worth have a look at it watching the short compensation plan,
and the how it works videos.
Click Here for all related information.
John Tar
EZ Wealth
shines brightly the most advanced get payed today program EZ Wealth Solution.
What to know about this fairly new 2 years old venture,that already has produced
over $1.3million?
It is based in Eastern Canada,designed,operated by Ron Walsh CEO,
Owned by individual resellers.
As we bought our sales packages with resale rights,we are eligible selling
our digital downloadable packages as often ,and as many times we like!
We are in deed getting 100%,for our marketing efforts. and getting payed Daily,
that is within a 24 hrs period of a sale.
I have been around for long enough to know, that there is no other
compensation plan online like the unique EZ Wealth one
it is definitely worth have a look at it watching the short compensation plan,
and the how it works videos.
Click Here for all related information.
John Tar
EZ Wealth
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Unlimited Unclaimed Money
So why do I like Unclaimed Money the business,
Gee ...let me think:
Maybe because I'm getting payed 100%?
Or perhaps the reason that I'm getting payed
within 24 hrs of a sale?
Let me think, cause there is no limit of how
many times I can sell my downloadable digital
product packages.
Could it be the one of a kind compensation plan?
Made to work,producing unlimited money for me.
With all the junk programs around it has gotten
very difficult to discern,and find a decent one.
That is the reason of Unclaimed not being hyped
up, so those searching for a reliable, legal,
trust worthy company,a business opportunity
online, might easily find it when looking,
for a good money making gig.
for more information click here
Gee ...let me think:
Maybe because I'm getting payed 100%?
Or perhaps the reason that I'm getting payed
within 24 hrs of a sale?
Let me think, cause there is no limit of how
many times I can sell my downloadable digital
product packages.
Could it be the one of a kind compensation plan?
Made to work,producing unlimited money for me.
With all the junk programs around it has gotten
very difficult to discern,and find a decent one.
That is the reason of Unclaimed not being hyped
up, so those searching for a reliable, legal,
trust worthy company,a business opportunity
online, might easily find it when looking,
for a good money making gig.
for more information click here
Business Opportunity,
Unclaimed Money
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Business Opportunity,Unclaimed Money
To avoid misunderstanding, the business opportunity,
titled Unclaimed Money is a real venture.
In much so that it already has made over $1.3 Million
since it's launch in 2008.
When you think of founds not claimed, thinking of
an amount that's waiting for you in a government bank,
that is rightfully yours, and it's there for you
to grab?
...but in this case has a totally different meaning.
This is business that offers the opportunity to earn
an Unlimited amount of cash with ease.
One of reasons for people loving this business is the
$10 monthly fee.Think about it, where do you find an
opportunity that pays you 100%,daily?
for more information Click Here
titled Unclaimed Money is a real venture.
In much so that it already has made over $1.3 Million
since it's launch in 2008.
When you think of founds not claimed, thinking of
an amount that's waiting for you in a government bank,
that is rightfully yours, and it's there for you
to grab?
...but in this case has a totally different meaning.
This is business that offers the opportunity to earn
an Unlimited amount of cash with ease.
One of reasons for people loving this business is the
$10 monthly fee.Think about it, where do you find an
opportunity that pays you 100%,daily?
for more information Click Here
Business Opportunity,
Unclaimed Money
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