Showing posts with label EZ Wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EZ Wealth. Show all posts

Saturday, November 5, 2011

EZ Wealth Solution, New 1 Up Video!

New 1 Up Video!

Greetings to all of our readers, and welcome to the
4 years old business that based on EZ Wealth Solution!

A business that pays 100% Daily,(within 24 hrs of a sale)

People Love This Business!!

In case if you have not heard, or had not the opportunity
to view the new 1 Up video, Click Here to get all detailed

or visit:

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Busiest Time For EZ Wealth Solution

I'm glad to say that one of the best things about our
businessis that no matter where you reside you still
can work it.

The year end is normally the busiest time for us at
EZ Wealth, so we are focusing on our effort to put
the word out there of our business.

Some say it is a numbers "Game" when it comes to
online marketing, but it's more than that: the quality of
prospects, and the follow up is just as important.

People know the value of a business like EZ Wealth Solution,
and responding well to being able to earn 100%, and be
able to get payed the same day anywhere between
$47- $997, and yes even up to a big $1835 a sale without
bothering people to join our business because the 1Up,
and the compensation plan videos are closing the sale for us.

So my question is, does it worth to advertise using the wide
variety of online advertising sources: business, and social
networks, blogs Twitter, news releases, traffic exchanges,
and who knows how many other sources of ads to earn
easy wealth, or to make extra cash with such little effort,
and my answer each time is definitely a yes.

Click Here
for all related information, and to join EZ Wealth Solution

John Tar
EZ Wealth Solution
Vancouver, BC Canada

Monday, September 19, 2011

People Love EZ Wealth Solution!

You have been looking for a reputable, an easy to work
online money making business, an opportunity to make
some, or substantial income.

After taking the EZ Wealth Solution "tour" which means
the watching of both the "How it Works, and the
"Compensation Plan" videos, opening a basic
AlertPay account, a credit card can be used to
invest the $10/mo fee, or $50 for half a year to save $10
to activate your account.
Than order the package, or packages you want to come
in at. Remember I'll pay for level #1, all you have to do is
order it.

I tell everyone to come in at all 5 levels for obvious
reasons,for better earning potential, but come on in at a
level you feel comfortable with, and can afford, possibly
levels #1 #2 #3 so you'll be able to make more sooner.

I personally will help you with your marketing efforts,
there is an endless supply of free working, advertising
sources I am successfully using online, and offline,
(like business cards,and fliers, ready to be printed out
with your name, and other info) combined with our own
EZ Wealth Solution Advertising Tools in the back office,
with prewritten ads.

For example:
Free and payed Advertising.Search engine marketing,
Blogs,Business, and Social networks,Advertising boards,
Twitter, You Tube for marketing videos, and to increase
link popularity on the search engines, Article marketing,
News releases, Traffic exchanges,and also Rss feed etc.
to draw an incredible number of visitors to one, or all of
your EZ Wealth websites, that are included in the $10/mo
maintenance fee.

There is no limit on how often or how many times you
can sell the downloadable digital products you own, and
best of all,you get payed daily, and you keep 100% of
your earnings.

People Love EZ Wealth Solution!

I'd like to use this opportunity to invite you to the ongoing
5 times/week EZ Wealth trainings, where you're explained
in a live online environment (VOIP) the earning power of
this system.

...But first Click Here to take the whole EZ Wealth tour.


John Tar
Internet Marketing Trainer & Wealth Coach
5 years of Internet marketing experience
Call: 604-684-1529 for assistance
BC, Canada

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

College Debt FREE On This Side Of The Fence

This "side division" of the well known 3 years old,
successful online business, and great opportunity
EZ Wealth Solution, is providing a way to College,
and university students to free themselfes of the
heavy burden of their debt.

This program is specifically designed to these
students in mind, helping them to earn and receive
unlimited $47-$97 payments to their preffered online
payment processors on daily basis while still in class,
depending on their advertising efforts.

EZ Wealth has surpassed the $1.6 million mark and all
was payed out to members.No wonder with the support
network, trainings,and the wide range of training
material and software available.With the College Debt
opportunity the business owners are also earning
100%, and keep every dime!

Take the tour now, ans as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing digital download
FREE,and my personal advertising bonus package!

If you're ready to start making some serious
money, go ahead and pay the 10 bucks to
upgrade to a Reseller then submit a purchase
request for Package # 1, and I will pay the $47
Click Here to get you started.

John Tar
EZ Wealth Solution
Unclaimed Money

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unclaimed Money, New Emails

EZ Wealth Solution CEO Ron Walsh as always he's been
improving the business.
This time he has added 7 new emails to the already
rich marketing arsenal.

So now I can use these letters in my Unclaimed Money
marketing campaign to promote my business sending out
direct mails to my list, or using them in advertisements.

I dont't know about you, but I have noticed a slow down
in the online exchange, so I'm putting in some extra
hours pushing Unclaimed Money, and these emails are
helping my efforts getting the word out.

Getting Payed Daily, and Earning 100% for my efforts
is the kind of business I like, with EZ Wealth I can do
Just that,no wonder people love it.

Click Here for more information

John Tar
EZ wealth solution

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

EZ Wealth Solution Is Still Going Strong After 3 Years!

In a day and age when programs seem to last no more than a few months, it’s refreshing to see a home based business opportunity still in business, and thriving after 3 years!

EZ Wealth Solution is a Direct Sales Company with a database of over 700 Digital and Software Products, and they’ve been going strong since December 1, 2007. EZ Wealth Solution launched at the beginning of the economic recession in December 2007, and they still managed to do over 1.5 Million Dollars in sales to date, but what’s even more impressive is the fact that EZ Wealth Solution pays out a full 100% on all sales. So that 1.5 Million Dollars was paid to their Resellers!

It’s not too often you see a company paying out a full 100% on all sales, and they also pay daily member-to-member so there’s no waiting to get paid! When a sale is made, the purchaser sends the money directly to the Reseller using their favorite online payment processor. This is really great when you think about it because no one wants to wait 30 - 45 days for a company to send out a commission check.

The one thing everyone should know about EZ Wealth Solution is that they have a one-of-kind pay plan designed by the CEO & Founder Mr. Ron Walsh, and while they are many I personally feel this is one of the biggest contributing factors to their success.

When Mr. Walsh was asked why he decided to payout 100% on all sales, he said; "For 12 years I struggled as to find a program that would last longer than 6 – 12 months, and one where the average person could make some good money. So I finally stopped looking in 2007 and decided to put my own program together, and first and foremost I wanted a pay plan where people could actually make some good money, but the pay plan I wanted was not out there, so I designed my own and I did it with our Resellers in mind. I just wanted to see people make money, and you cannot get any better than a 100% payout. It also makes it very hard for other programs to compete with us when you put pay plan against pay plan."

I also asked Mr. Walsh what he sees in the future for EZ Wealth Solution, and he said; "I see unlimited potential and success for our Resellers! In the coming year we will be adding many more Digital & Software Products to our database to give our Resellers even more value for their dollar. As for long term, we just want to run an honest business where average people can make some good money. What makes us unique is our one-of-a-kind pay plan, and the fact that we have people making money for the first time online. That gives me great pride to know I played a small part in it. We now have our sights set on reaching the 2 Million Dollar mark in commissions paid, and from there its 3, 4, 5 Million and beyond. Give the people want they want, and they will join your business, and what they want is money! So we give it to them, 100% of it!"

I must admit, the income potential for EZ Wealth Solution is truly remarkable when you consider anyone can get started for just $10 because your sponsor is going to pay your way into Package Level # 1 (a $47 value). Mr. Walsh has done a fantastic job over the last 3 years, and I look forward to the next 3 years as EZ Wealth Solution continues to help those looking for a long term online business opportunity!

With a 3 year online presence I’m sure many people have seen their website, but to truly understand how unique and wonderful this business opportunity really is, one has to register for the Free Tour and watch the How It Works Movie (10 minutes) in the Member Center.

Check them out Click Here

Happy 3rd Birthday EZ Wealth Solution!

John Tar
Unclaimed Money

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Great news about EZ Wealth Unclaimed Money

Great news about The EZ wealth business opportunity!

Unclaimed Money Have just passed $1.5 million in total sales.
All of the above amount was payed out member to member.

You see, with this business you get payed 100%, and do not
have to wait a month, you get payed within 24 hrs of a sale.

The power of this compensation plan is incredible,
and by taking the tour you can find out all about it.

Click Here

to watch the "How It Works", and "The Compensation Plan"
Videos, as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing digital download FREE!

John Tar
Unclaimed Money

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No Debt, College or University

Wouldn't you just love coming out of College, or University
with no debt to start your life's working years.
Instead now you're carrying a large amount of debt
on your shoulders, that will set you back years to come.

Imagine having all your debt payed off while in class,
and be ready to start your working years without a headache.
Well you could, with the business opportunity specially
designed with the elimination of College, and University debt
of students world wide.

With this EZ business program Students are receiving an
unlimited number of $47, and $97 payments to their
designated online payment processor,
or as a matter of fact, or any way they desire to.

Do not have to wait for these payments for a month,
nor a week, either.
There arriving within 24 hrs, yes that means an unlimited
amount of daily cash wealth payments directly to you.

Now... don't take my word for it, watch the "How It Works",
and "The Compensation Plan" Videos,as my compliment
receive the

Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing
digital download Free!
When you come in today I'll pay you in on your first level.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Undistorted Unclaimed Money Business

For the last short 5 years, since I've been working online
have seen some weird stuff.

All the hype really making me sick to my stomach .
Advertisers are trying to change peoples perception
distorting facts about their business to benefit themselves.
In the process they're so blind, can't even see the obvious

I mean how could you possible build your business
on false pretends accepting a good results. It just
doesn't make any sense.

On the other hand there are decent, reliable, legal, businesses
like: Unclaimed Money the Business Opportunity
I have been working for the last year and a half making
thousands of dollars.

It is not an MLM, the compensation plan is very unique,
it 's made to produce money for me the owner
(after buying my sales packages) and needless to say
I'm getting 100% every sale I make. ...As a bonus,
unlike most of the programs out there my business
opportunity pays within 24 hrs of a sale, that is today
folks, not a week from now, nor a month.

I honestly hope that you see the difference between
Unclaimed Money which is my business,
and some fly by MLM.

For all related information let me encourage you to take
the EZ Wealth Tour watching the "How It Works", and
"The Compensation Plan" Videos,as my compliment receive the
Untold Secrets Of Internet Marketing digital download free.

Click Here to began,and get all the facts right before
joining up with me, not after.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

EZ Wealth Solution Full Throttle

Now that the summer heat,and vacation is over folks are going back to their routine,
and business as usual is going to pick up once again.
Statistically speaking this time of the year is the best for businesses world wide. if you own one make sure to get out there and let folks now about it,boosting the number of your visitors to your business opportunity website.

My favorite type of advertising is SEO search engine marketing,but I do post to business networks, adboards,got my own blogs,twitter,do like RSS feed for it long as you can reach your audience you'll do well online making money

My favorite business is: EZ Wealth Solution
because I make 100% with it and getting payed daily,within 24 hrs of a sale, no wonder people love this business, and they calling it the most powerful get payed today program on the Internet.

Let say you been working online with very limited financial results, I want to encourage you to take the tour watching the video learning about the business I been making money with, and compare with your own.

Are you relatively new to online marketing,let me suggest you to take my advise,do not waste your money, and time on all sort of hyped up programs, you'll be able to earn with EZ Wealth Solution we are forthright about our business, so you can learn all about it before joining.

You'll see learning about it, that it was made to produce for us ordinary hardworking entrepreneurs.

for more information about EZ Wealth Solution Click Here

John Tar

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fast moving virtual vehicle: EZ Wealth Solution Taxi

Amongst many business opportunities, like a shooting star in the night sky
shines brightly the most advanced get payed today program EZ Wealth Solution.

What to know about this fairly new 2 years old venture,that already has produced
over $1.3million?

It is based in Eastern Canada,designed,operated by Ron Walsh CEO,
Owned by individual resellers.

As we bought our sales packages with resale rights,we are eligible selling
our digital downloadable packages as often ,and as many times we like!

We are in deed getting 100%,for our marketing efforts. and getting payed Daily,
that is within a 24 hrs period of a sale.
I have been around for long enough to know, that there is no other
compensation plan online like the unique EZ Wealth one

it is definitely worth have a look at it watching the short compensation plan,
and the how it works videos.

Click Here for all related information.

John Tar
EZ Wealth

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Unclaimed Money, Forget about MLM, forget about Piramids

Forget about MLM, forget about Pyramids,
this compensation plan will blow your socks off!

Have you ever wondered why no one came up with
a compensation plan for an online business opportunity,
so far that would actually make you money instead
of the "designer" of that program?

...yes you know it because they're selfish money
hungry, can't see further than their noses.

Not so with the Unclaimed Money business' EZ
producing solution, that you gotta see
to believe it.

This plan has got 5 different levels, but anyone
joins the very first one can start earning
right away. And check this out, the level #1
sales package is yours FREE!

But wait a second, It gets even better!!

...So you start working your business,
and can bring in as many people you like and on
the first level after giving up the one and only
qualifying sale,you'll earn an Unlimited width, and depth.Each sale worth $47 US money.

Have I mentioned that you're getting payed 100%,
and if that's still not enough for you,
you'll receive it within 24 hrs of a system
level #1 package sale has been made.
And this is only on level #1.

for All info Click Here

Unclaimed Money, Forget about MLM, forget about Piramids

Forget about MLM, forget about Pyramids,
this compensation plan will blow your socks off!

Have you ever wondered why no one came up with
a compensation plan for an online business opportunity,
so far that would actually make you money instead
of the "designer" of that program?

...yes you know it because they're selfish money
hungry, can't see further than their noses.

Not so with the Unclaimed Money business' EZ
producing solution, that you gotta see
to believe it.

This plan has got 5 different levels, but anyone
joins the very first one can start earning
right away. And check this out, the level #1
sales package is yours FREE!

But wait a second, It gets even better!!

...So you start working your business,
and can bring in as many people you like and on
the first level after giving up the one and only
qualifying sale,you'll earn an Unlimited width, and depth.Each sale worth $47 US money.

Have I mentioned that you're getting payed 100%,
and if that's still not enough for you,
you'll receive it within 24 hrs of a system
level #1 package sale has been made.
...And this is only level #1.

for All info Click Here

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why Blog?

What could possibly the reason for blogging?
If you ask me I got a straight answer for you on that one:

More back links, link popularity, SEO, Better ranking on the
Search engine. I hope I covered all of them.

I do not like to waste time talking about unimportant things,
blogging is a way to express myself freely,so I let the search engine spiders know that I got fresh food for them,(just taking care of business) as usual.

Google loves fresh content,and I'm getting one more link
connected to my Business website. In this case it is
Unclaimed Money, I got this domain for my primary biz,EZ Wealth Solution.

Not thinking as much of the "other readers", I'm sure they got better things to do than read my blogs
, but yes sometimes I'm thinking of them also writing about things making me tick.
I hope you liked it.

John Tar
EZ Wealth
Unclaimed Money

Unclaimed Money,the Well Oiled Money Machine

Having a business like the EZ Wealth,Unclaimed Money opportunity,
is like having a well tuned well oiled money making machine.

Anyone with some brains can see the incredible financial potential
of this business. I firmly believe, when Ron Walsh put EZ Wealth Solution
together,he had the everyday ordinary person in mind to run his venture.

Automated perfection is the word that I'd use to describe this business'
email system which notifies you when ever there is a tourtaker enters it,
or if there was a transaction going on,telling you what to do next!

With his sales winning videos Ron Walsh straight to the point plainly,
explains how EZ Wealth Works, and details the compensation plan.
Without exaggerating I can say that this plan is the real genius,
and the best compensation plan anywhere when it comes to online marketing.

No matter at what stage you are as a marketer this business is a sure winner,
I highly recommend it to anyone who want to make money online,and finally have
a successful business paying 100% daily!

to visit the EZ Wealth website Click Here

John Tar
EZ Wealth Solution,Unclaimed Money

Monday, July 26, 2010

Great News about Unclaimed Money,the EZ Wealth Business

Great News about Unclaimed Money,the EZ Wealth

Let me ask you a question. are you presently
involved with any MLM's?
I'm so sorry to hear that,if I were you I'd turn
from it,
and start running the opposite direction as fast I

MLM's suck big time and I know why and that is
the main reason
I'm promoting a NON MLM Business!

My business is rock solid,2 years old,Legal has
made to our team
over $1.3 million.
It is anyone's dream come through,even if you do
not think so at
this point in your life,but believe me you'll
come around
as soon as you find out of all the stinking scams
out there that you got involved with.

Can you honestly tell me that you're getting
payed 100% of your efforts
Well I can,and not only that, I'm getting payed
within 24 Hrs of a sale
that my Unclaimed Money system made.and the best
part is there is no limit
to how many times I can produce a $47 $97, $247,a
$497, a $997, or an $1,885.00

So that is the reason why People Love this
,and that is only a part of it,
just don't make me get going about it.

For now your best bet is to take the tour watching
the "How it Works",
and the "Compensation Plan" videos,when you come in today
I'll pay you in
on the first level,remember the higher level
you're coming in, the
more money you'll be making,so take all 5 levels!

..And an other thing,we got recorded ,and live
trainings, plus our
own support network, and if that is not enough
I'm also here to share
all my expertise ,and experience with you.

Click Here to get on track

John Tar
Unclaimed Money,an EZ Wealth Solution Business

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

EZ Wealth Has Done it Again!!

This is really mind blowing,I couldn't do my advertising today thanks to the new videos on the EZ Wealth site.

I practically spent all my day trying to keep up with the new tourtakers,inquiries of the existing once,the followup mails,phone calls today.

This system is incredible!!

...and since Ron,(our CEO)has updated the "How it Works" and the "Compensation Plan" videos,people seem to get it,and they like what they see understanding it coming into the business at a phenomenal paste.

One of my tourtakers: Alexey Reketenets from Kyyvska oblast, Ukraine just came in on level #1

He told me that he already have two tourtakers right after that,and I just got the note that one of them,Leonard Joyner has just updated to Reseller!!

First I'd like to congratulate both to ALEX,and LEONARD,and welcome them aboard!! Great job guys!!

I'm stunned to see how the "New System" in action,and needless to say that I'm loving it.

Because the pay it forward system I'm going to receive the "One Up" from Alex and now he'll be
eligible to receive unlimited $47 payments!!

Since EZ Wealth Solution is working so incredibly well,I want to encourage all tourtakers to Upgrade to Resellers,and the resellers to upgrade to higher levels, to increase earnings!!

Click Here
for all info!!

I'm Standing by to assist you

John Tar
Wealth Coach
Business Phone:
604 684 1529
Vancouver BC

Monday, July 12, 2010

EZ Wealth,the one and only

So you got hooked on Internet marketing right?

Found an excellent MLM business
making you 20-80%,getting payed once a month.

Cost you over $20/month,and takes a lot's of
explaining on your part to get people join you.

You're not getting anywhere with it,
and you can't figure out why.

EZ Wealth Solution is a...

Business that PAYS 100%!!
Business that PAYS instantly!!
Business that REWARDS you for joining!!
Business where NOBODY touches YOUR MONEY!!
Business that requires NO EXPLAINING on your part!!
Business with an awesome tech support & TEAM support!!
Business that has already earned our resellers OVER $1,334,741.00

Now that is EZ Wealth,don't settle for less!!
Are you ready to make money online?

Click Here for all the information

Sunday, July 4, 2010

EZ Wealth Taxi: pick your destination

EZ Wealth Taxi is an online automatic vehicle that will take you to any destination you choose!
It was made with the Taxi owner in mind to make money.

1) No "outrageous" monthly fees (only $10)
2) Get paid immediately rather than weekly or monthly
3) Get paid how YOU want (Paypal, Alertpay, Safepay, UPS, FedEx, etc)
4) Real products - all digital (nothing shipped)
5) You keep 100% of the profits rather than just a percentage
6) Lead capture pages, Downline/Prospect Mailer & contact manager... all included within the system.
7) Global - Anybody from Anywhere can join
8) Online Support/training calls 3 times per week,and recorded training!

Take the tour now to find out more and to get your own EZ Wealth Taxi!

Click Here

Sunday, June 27, 2010

EZ Wealth

People can't see the real potential of
EZ Wealth, and I wonder why?!

Of the endless number of online businesses,
and business opportunities it is very hard
to find a decent one.

Well,this is your lucky day

I'm here to tell you about the best,
and easiest business online,the

EZ Wealth Solution

...Actually because of the nature of the marketing
of this particular business, all I need
to do is invite you to my business website
to take the tour,in other words watch the video.

...And that is how the business website going
to work for you also .The website is designed
to close you your visitors, plain and simple.

to get all related information,and to
be on your way to EZ Wealth

Click Here