Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Monday, August 16, 2010

Almighty God,the Lord Jesus Christ

As usual I have posted my tweets this morning when I came across a tweet by someone called almightygod.
I could not find a name attached to this person, and his tweets, so I've investigated a little,and find another dead end, blog.

I have quickly realized that this person is in need to get answers about God Almighty
so I left a note on his blog, read below.

Would be nice if you added your real name to your own blog,
so you can be addressed properly.

I see that you're on a long and treacherous journey to find God,
and not just any god but the Almighty,the Creator.

You see, since I've repented of my sin in a heart felt prayer,
asking the Heavenly Father to forgive me my life has been
totally changed.

I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior,and
as a Bible believer reading the authorized 1611 King James Bible

Click Here for more information

John Tar
for spiritual advise
call me at 604 684 1529

Friday, June 18, 2010

Is there another Christian online?

For the last 5 years I have been working online, but have not heard anyone mentioning the name Jesus Christ in the business community, until now!

...And that person would be Tom Prendergast, the Veretekk CEO.(I'm a silver member of veretekk)
Here is what he had to say:

"With the current events of a biblical size catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico I thought you might want to get the inside opinions of this man and how we may be on the eve of seeing the fulfillment and return of our Lord Jesus."

Veretekk was built by God's inspiration and the sweat and blood of Mike Darling, myself and many volunteers. Is this the time Veretekk was built for? I really do not know. But I do know that we are nearing if not already entered into the last of days before the rapture occurs. It could be a matter of days, weeks, months or still years before that day comes.

I really want all my brothers and sisters in Veretekk to be ready for that day. I know many are. Will V2 be born in the fire of the chaos? I do not know. I am but a follower of my Lord Jesus and servant to you my dear subscribers.

See you this Monday."

I am really happy to hear him confessing the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Tom and I never met in person, I only know him through Veretekk, but because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we'll meet in Heaven.

I wish there were more folks online in the business community, open up about they faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!

John Tar

Is there another Christian online?

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Sure it's easy to have arguments with our loved ones especially those closest to us,having been more open to them,and in worst case scenario getting in to fights breaking up relationships.And there are those destroying it all with so much hate in them that bringing out the worst imaginable...Well,don't do it. Being robbed of any hope of redemption by this lying hearted world. Looking at all the wrong places bud.

Have you the slightest idea what fragile creatures, - not only physical but also spiritual,so perfectly tuned (not by nature) we are.Or you think we evolved into some sort of industrial being,destined to live in all kinds of pollution Mega city occupying 300 square feet (oh man...Who's pet are you?). All automized half man half machine,Waking to some alarm Clock every "miserable" morning,rushing off to do what? Risking lives on the way there.
Never mind having a God given soul,that might give truthful straight direction in this lost world by the Lord Jesus Christ. Who's direction is soon revealed,if not known by now.
...So what now? Are you gonna put another patch on top of this old rag again and over? Or finally start doing things right the only perfect way,Loving,and respecting your parents,Be passionate about the love for your children ,and they Mother,honoring they presence in your burdened life,show mercy to the unforgiven not to bring judgement upon yourself other than love. Don't ask me,ask yourself.
Who can save you from hell fire? by John Tar (timsaucey)